World AIDS Day 2021 - Callen-Lorde

World AIDS Day 2021

Today is a special day for Callen-Lorde, our communities, and all who have helped lead the effort to end the HIV epidemic not only in New York City but around the globe. December 1st is World AIDS Day, a day to pay tribute to the lives of loved ones lost to the AIDS epidemic, to celebrate the lives of those who live with and/or are affected by HIV/AIDS, and to continue advocating for expansion and amplification of HIV/AIDS services worldwide.

In words of our namesake Michael Callen, “We must fix our hearts and minds on a clear image of the day when AIDS is no more. Make no mistake that day will come.” Today, we believe we are closer to this dream than ever before, thanks to advances in prevention and treatment.

We welcome all community members and patients to join events taking place around New York City and virtually to honor the lives lost to HIV/AIDS.