Train the Trainers Model - Callen-Lorde

Train the Trainers Model

LGBT Health

The LGBT Health Train the Trainers program will help participants learn concrete tools to incorporate into medical practice, administration, social services, and health curriculum to improve lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) health care and reduce barriers to care. The Train the Trainers component will teach participants essential skills in facilitation and training in order to integrate important content into specific facets of an institution or organization.

Q & A for Educators: How Educators Can be Queer Allies for LGBTQ Youth

The Q&A for Educators Train the Trainers program will provide professional educators and administrators with concrete tools to enhance LGBTQ sensitivity, respect and understanding in the school setting, both in and outside the classroom, paying special attention to key health indicators for LGBTQ youth. Participants will learn skills in facilitation and training in order to integrate important content into specific facets of an institution.

For more information, please contact us at (212) 271-7291 or