Refilling Prescriptions Just Got Even Easier: Text2Refill Update - Callen-Lorde

Refilling Prescriptions Just Got Even Easier: Text2Refill Update

Refilling, ordering and managing prescriptions just got even easier for Callen-Lorde patients, thanks to a web application we’re rolling out in October 2024!

If you’ve filled prescriptions at a Callen-Lorde pharmacy before, you might be familiar with our Text2Refill service, which allows patients to receive timely reminders and quickly reorder medications. This service will continue but with a useful new upgrade that let you review and manage your medications.


Text Message

Patients who use Callen-Lorde pharmacies will receive a text when it’s time to refill. The wording will be slightly different than previous texts, but they will come from the same number as before. By replying to this message, you can quickly refill your previous prescription, using the same payment information and address as the last time you filled this medication.


Web App

The message also includes a link to the new web app, where you can see all your medications on one screen, select the ones you want to refill and confirm your order.

You will also see if any medications require a new prescription. You can select these medications, and our pharmacy will reach out to your provider and contact you if you need to make an appointment or if there are any issues.

Your previous delivery or pick-up address will be selected by default, but you can change it within the app.

Additionally, you can access everything you need to know about a medication, including usage directions, prescription numbers, estimated co-pays and remaining refills.



Lost on how to use the updated web app? Click here for step-by-step instructions!

The new service aims to help patients develop a comprehensive picture of their prescriptions and ensure no one runs out of vital medication. It’s a distinct benefit for those who choose to fill their prescriptions with Callen-Lorde, and we hope it helps foster positive relationships between our pharmacies and communities. 

If you have questions about the web application, call (877) 436-3452. We hope you’ll try the service yourself! Thank you for choosing Callen-Lorde as your pharmacy.