Wellness for Teens and Young Adults
Trainings for Patients, Educators & Providers
All programs may be tailored to fit the distinct needs of your group or organization. For more information, please contact us at (212) 271-7285 or healthed@callen-lorde.org.
A Model of Supportive Care for Transgender Youth
This workshop is designed to help participants learn from Callen-Lorde’s successes and challenges establishing and implementing a transgender protocol for youth. We will discuss promising practices in: developing a framework for working with trans clients that maximizes their empowerment and safety as consumers, providing a full medical evaluation in an environment that is clean, safe, supportive and of low cost, exploring clients’ understanding of the dimensions of sex, gender role and sexuality in their own lives, supporting harm reduction in balance with a limited distribution of resources, and including and educating family and significant others whenever possible.
Health Advocacy for Youth
This interactive workshop provides an opportunity for adolescents and young adults to learn and practice self-advocacy techniques related to accessing and utilizing health care services, including strategies for becoming more discerning consumers of health information. Information about New York state laws protecting teens will be included.
Healthy Relationships
This workshop engages adolescents in dialogue around power, control, respect and communication in relationships – be they with intimate partners, friends or family members. Activities are designed to help young people recognize signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships.
HIV/AIDS Myths and Facts
This workshop offers an opportunity for adolescents to learn the myths and facts surrounding HIV/AIDS, as well as information about safer sex and drug use practices, in an open and non-judgmental game-style format. Special attention is dedicated to the unique risk and protective factors for LGBT young people.
Good Sex: Sexual Pleasure and Desire
This unique and interactive workshop offers teens a body-positive framework in which to explore and understand their sexuality and sexual safety. Topics covered include respect, communication skills, healthy relationships, condom/protection negotiation, spectrum of pleasure and desire, evolving sexual preferences across the lifespan.
Nutrition and Fitness Planning
This workshop allows participants to explore their own fitness and nutrition goals while learning about body image, healthy eating on a budget, weight management and physical fitness. Facilitators will provide information about fitness and nutrition for HIV positive youth, and trans or gender non-conforming youth utilizing hormones.
“Res Night” for College Students
Students participate in games hosted by Health Education professionals and HIV/STI counselors on campus in the activity room or lounge of their residence hall. Games initiate conversations related to HIV/AIDS, transmission, STIs, safer sex, sexual health, genital health and other medical health topics.
Sexual Health for LGBT Youth and Allies
This interactive workshop offers an opportunity for LGBT youth and allies to explore their individual thoughts, concerns and practices related to sexual identity and sexual health. Facilitators provide the most up-to-date information regarding STIs and contraceptive options, including emergency contraception.
Stress and Time Management
Adolescence and young adulthood come with a variety of stressors and responsibilities. This workshop provides information about “good” and “bad” stress, helps participants to identify personal and cultural stressors and offers strategies for prioritizing multiple tasks.