Statement on SCOTUS Decision
As expected, the Supreme Court just announced a decision that changes the course of history in this country – not only in regard to Roe v. Wade, but for so many other issues that have been at the cornerstone of policy progress over the last decades. The implications of this decision will be far-reaching, and threaten every right to existence and safety that our communities have hard won, and continue to fight for.
This is devastating.
We will continue to hold strong around the right to bodily autonomy in all of its manifestations – this is the foundation on which Callen-Lorde is built. For over 50 years, we have provided access to affirming health care that is centered around self-determination – regardless of ability to pay. And, we will continue to advocate for policy that protects that healthcare access as a right for everyone who seeks it.
This weekend, we will be marching in action, in resistance, and in defense of our human right to access health care. New York State has strong protections in place, and we will do everything in our power to build sanctuary here. This clinic stays open.
– Wendy Stark, Executive Director