Virtual Health - Callen-Lorde

Virtual Health

In addition to in-person care, Callen-Lorde offers virtual visits via video. A video visit allows you to safely and securely speak to your provider from another location using the sound and video from your phone or computer. Please note that all medical and behavioral virtual/video visits must be conducted from within New York State at the time of service. Click here for more information.

If you are a currently registered Callen-Lorde patient and would like to schedule a virtual visit, please click here or call (212) 271-7200. If you are not a patient and would like to become one, please click here.

Virtual (Video) Visit Checklist

For instructions on video visits, please click here. Please click here to test your device for video compatibility. If you need additional help troubleshooting technical issues, please call the support line at (720) 510-2910.

Step 1

You must have a smartphone OR computer, and a strong wifi connection.

Step 2
Click here to ensure your camera and microphone are properly enabled to be ready for the appointment.

Step 3
You will receive text reminders when you book your appointment, a day before your appointment, and half an hour before your appointment. Be sure to click the link provided 5-10 minutes before your visit so that you have time to make sure your phone is ready, and you have time to answer a few questions. Each time you go into a virtual visit, you will need to click through a few forms, including a consent form, and this can take a few minutes.

Step 4
Once you have completed the required forms, you may join the visit. After you click “join” you should be able to see and hear your provider. If there are issues with the video for more than 5 minutes after the start time of your appointment, your provider will call you.


  • If you are having trouble connecting with your provider, try refreshing your browser.
  • While you can use any computer, laptop, tablet that is connected to wifi, smartphones are usually best at connecting. If your computer is not working, try your phone.
  • If you share your home with several other people who are accessing wifi at the same time it may affect the quality of your visit. Please try to limit the amount of people streaming on your wifi at one time.
  • If you are still having trouble, please check out this troubleshooting guide.

After checking the guide and the automated test here, if you are still having issues, contact the call center at (212) 271-7200.

Video Tips & Tricks

Room Selection

Having a good virtual visit starts with the right setting. You can have a virtual visit in any place, but choosing the right place – a place that is quiet, private if possible, and with good light – can greatly improve the quality of your visit.


Privacy and safety are important to having a successful visit. Choose a place that is quiet where only you, or the necessary people are present. If you’ve set up your location well, both you and your provider will feel safe to share important, private and sensitive information during the virtual visit.


Try to sit in front of a blank wall or space, but not a window. Sitting with a window behind you will cast a shadow over your face. Sit with a light source in front of you. If possible do not sit or stand with busy artwork behind you – it can cause issues with the video.

Sound and Distractions

Try to choose a space with the limited background noise if possible. Close windows and doors, especially if they open to the street or a busy hallway. Turn down fans or machines with sound. If possible keep pets out of the room. Turn off all other electronics like radios and televisions. If you have to use a public room like a kitchen, ask the other people if they could stay out of the room during your visit.


The best light for a virtual visit is a bright room with natural light. If this isn’t possible, sit in a room with light in front of you, facing towards you. The more light, the better. This will make it easier for your provider to see you and give you the best care possible.

Camera Position

Place your phone or camera pointing directly at your face so you are looking right at your provider. If possible do not hold your phone or camera. Place it on a shelf, desk, books, or any other way to keep the phone or camera stable without having to hold it. This will help ensure a strong connection and virtual visit. It is important that your camera and screen are near each other, if they are not attached, so that you have good eye contact with your provider.