Get Help Now – Signs of a Crisis - Callen-Lorde

Get Help Now – Signs of a Crisis

Callen-Lorde cares about our community. You matter and deserve to be supported. It’s okay not to be okay and ask for help. People can experience an emotional or mental health crisis due to a wide range of situations. For some, it might be the end of a personal relationship. For others, it might be the loss of a job. For LGBTQ communities, these crises can be heightened by their experiences from minority stress.

When emotional issues reach a crisis point, our LGBTQ community and their loved ones should contact a lifeline that is anonymous and confidential. 

Callen-Lorde is proud to be partnering with Crisis Text Line® to provide 24/7, confidential, free crisis counseling. We believe that everyone deserves to get support. Our partnership with the Crisis Text Line® ensures that our community and their loved ones have a lifeline to contact in a crisis.

You do not have to be a client to use the Callen-Lorde Crisis Text Line®. When we say, it is for everyone we mean it!

Text callenlorde to 741741

Many individuals may not show any signs of intent to harm themselves before doing so, but some actions can be a sign that a person needs help. Individuals in crisis may show behaviors that indicate a risk of self-harm. The following can all be warning signs: 

  • Appearing sad or depressed most of the time 
  • Hopelessness; feeling like there’s no way out 
  • Anxiety, agitation, sleeplessness, or mood swings 
  • Feeling as if there is no reason to live 
  • Feeling excessive guilt, shame, or sense of failure 
  • Rage or anger 
  • Engaging in risky activities without thinking 
  • Losing interest in hobbies, work, or school 
  • Increasing alcohol or drug misuse 
  • Neglecting personal welfare; a deteriorating physical appearance 
  • Withdrawing from family and friends 
  • Showing violent behavior, like punching a hole in the wall or getting into fights 
  • Giving away prized possessions 
  • Getting affairs in order, tying up loose ends, or writing a will 

The following signs require immediate attention: 

  • Thinking about hurting or killing yourself 
  • Looking for ways to kill yourself 
  • Talking about death, dying, or suicide 
  • Self-destructive behavior such as drug abuse, weapons, etc. 
When to contact the Crisis Text Line What happens when I text the Crisis Text Line? Some people find the following things helpful when having thoughts of suicide More Support Spread the Word

Read the chat terms of service.  

  • The Crisis Text Line® does not collect personally identifiable information unless you provide that information to the Crisis Counselor. 
  • Security controls, including encryption and authentication, are in place to protect your information. 

If you are in imminent danger or immediate emergency and you cannot keep yourself safe, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.