Callen-Lorde cares about our community. You matter and deserve to be supported. It’s okay not to be okay and ask for help. People can experience an emotional or mental health crisis due to a wide range of situations. For some, it might be the end of a personal relationship. For others, it might be the loss of a job. For LGBTQ communities, these crises can be heightened by their experiences from minority stress.
When emotional issues reach a crisis point, our LGBTQ community and their loved ones should contact a lifeline that is anonymous and confidential.
Callen-Lorde is proud to be partnering with Crisis Text Line® to provide 24/7, confidential, free crisis counseling. We believe that everyone deserves to get support. Our partnership with the Crisis Text Line® ensures that our community and their loved ones have a lifeline to contact in a crisis.
You do not have to be a client to use the Callen-Lorde Crisis Text Line®. When we say, it is for everyone we mean it!
Text callenlorde to 741741
Many individuals may not show any signs of intent to harm themselves before doing so, but some actions can be a sign that a person needs help. Individuals in crisis may show behaviors that indicate a risk of self-harm. The following can all be warning signs:
Appearing sad or depressed most of the time
Hopelessness; feeling like there’s no way out
Anxiety, agitation, sleeplessness, or mood swings
Feeling as if there is no reason to live
Feeling excessive guilt, shame, or sense of failure
Rage or anger
Engaging in risky activities without thinking
Losing interest in hobbies, work, or school
Increasing alcohol or drug misuse
Neglecting personal welfare; a deteriorating physical appearance
Withdrawing from family and friends
Showing violent behavior, like punching a hole in the wall or getting into fights
Giving away prized possessions
Getting affairs in order, tying up loose ends, or writing a will
The following signs require immediate attention:
Thinking about hurting or killing yourself
Looking for ways to kill yourself
Talking about death, dying, or suicide
Self-destructive behavior such as drug abuse, weapons, etc.
When to contact the Crisis Text Line
When in crisis,you don’t have to face it alone. If you’re thinking about hurting yourself, having thoughts ofsuicide, or becomingself-destructive, there are Crisis Counselor ready to help. Contact the Crisis Text Line® immediately for assistance.
Supporting a loved one through a crisis can feel overwhelming, but Crisis Counselors at the Crisis Text Line® can help. Contact theCrisis Text Line® immediately if someone in your life is showing signs of crisis, such as:
Talking about feeling hopeless
Experiencing anxiety or agitation
Increasing risky behaviors or substance use
What happens when I text the Crisis Text Line?
When you text the Crisis Text Line®, one of our trained Crisis Counselor, will help you through any personal crisis, even if it does not involve thoughts of suicide. You decide how much you want to share — we’re here to listen and to help.
If you are in danger — or the person you’re concerned about is in danger — the Crisis Counselor will work to make sure everyone is safe.
If you — or the person you are concerned about — are in crisis but not at imminent risk for injury or suicide, then the Crisis Counselor will listen, offer support, and help you make a plan to stay safe. Learn more here Crisis Text Line®
Text callenlorde to 741741 to get help.
You can say as much or as little as you like to get the conversation started. You will receive a text back that reads:
The first two responses are automated. They tell you that you’rebeing connected with a Crisis Counselor and invite you to share a bit more.
It usually takes less than five minutes to connect you with a Crisis Counselor. (It may take longer during high-traffic times).
You may text STOP at any time to end the conversation.
Some people find the following things helpful when having thoughts of suicide
Use your coping skills. Examples might be:
Relaxation techniques
Deep breathing
Call/text a friend or loved one
Let them know you’re having a difficult day
Ask if they can spend some time with you
Find distractions
Go for a bike ride or walk
Watch your favorite TV show or movie
Play a game on your phone
Play with a pet
Write about a happy memory and how it reminds you of your reasons for living
Go somewhere you feel safe
Visit a friend or loved one’s home
Visit your favorite place or store
Make your environment safe
Ask a friend or loved one to store your medications and firearms
Lock up medications and firearms
If you don’t feel you can keep yourself safe right now, seek immediate help, text callenlorde to 741741 or contact:
The Trevor Projectprovides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25. (866) 488-7386
Trans Lifeline’s Hotlineis a peer support phone service run by trans people for our trans and questioning peers. (877) 565-8860
Jason Foundation: A Friend Asks (Android, iOS) is a free app by the suicide prevention group Jason Foundation. It aims to teach its users how to recognize the signs that someone close to them may be thinking about suicide, and how to reach out to them proactively.
My3 Apphelps you build your own Safety Plan, asking you to think through and list your own warning signs, coping strategies and support network, so that you can easily act when you recognize your warning signs.
The Virtual Hope Box (VHB) is designed for use by patients and their behavioral health providers as an accessory to treatment. The VHB contains simple tools to help patients with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking. Patients and providers can work together to personalize the VHB content on the patient’s own smartphone according to the patient’s specific needs. The patient can then use the VHB away from clinic, continuing to add or change content as needed.
Spread the Word
Now you know the warning signs for suicide and how to have a direct conversation with someone who may be in crisis. But don’t keep this important information to yourself. Help us educate others by sharing this website with friends, family, and loved ones through Facebook, Twitter, or email. Because together, we have the power to make a difference, the power to save a life.