COIN Clinic - Callen-Lorde

COIN Clinic

Welcome to COIN – a free healthcare program for sex workers in an affirming, supportive environment.

COIN (Cecilia’s Occupational Inclusion Network), a health program for sex workers, provides free care in an affirming, supportive environment.

The COIN Clinic is open to anybody who identifies as a sex worker and self-attestation is the only requirement for enrollment. COIN patients have access to primary care, sexual health, behavioral health, dental, pharmacy, and any other services received at Callen-Lorde. For uninsured patients, COIN works to cover the cost of care and assists in obtaining coverage when possible. Insured patients in the program can have their copays and deductibles covered. Additionally, all COIN patients can receive specialized case management and access a support group for sex workers that meets twice a month.

COIN patients can utilize Walk-In hours at Callen-Lorde Chelsea every Friday from 10am-3pm or can be scheduled at any Callen-Lorde location. Intake and appointments can be made by calling the COIN line at (212) 271-8134 or the main call center at (212) 271-7200.

As we continue to mourn the death of our namesake and inspiration Cecilia Gentili, Callen-Lorde wants to assure everyone that the COIN program will continue to provide free, competent, affirming health care to sex workers.

Learn more about COIN Confessions, a support group for sex workers and people involved in the sex trade industry. Join us for community building and a confidential space to discuss topics such as health, safety, legality, financial management, and social issues here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Callen-Lorde’s philosophy toward sex work? How do you define “sex work”? What will be written in my chart? What if my chart is subpoenaed? Explain how this is free. Like free for real? But what if I get a bill? What training have my provider and support staff had? I have some feedback about the program, where can I send it? What is the history of the COIN program and legacy of Cecilia? What steps can I take to contribute to harm reduction efforts?