Care With Action - Callen-Lorde

Care With Action

Join a community of activists who want to advance LGBTQ+ health with Callen-Lorde. Through our Care with Action program, we’ll be asking you to show up to events and rallies, speak out about the importance of increasing access to care, and tell your story to help make change!

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Tell YOUR Story & Fight for Health Justice and Equity.

Your voice matters! We’re collecting stories, short testimonies, and comments to share with our staff, healthcare experts, elected officials, and community members in order to help sustain our services, protect queer healthcare and fight for health equity. Be authentic. Tell Your Story.

Do you give consent to share your comments (or portions of your comments) online, in educational materials, legislative briefs or elsewhere? By checking "Yes," you give your consent. By checking "No," you do not give your consent. 

Example: “LGBTQ+ affirming healthcare is so important because when I moved to NYC over a year ago, the first few places I want to find— was my community. Knowing that I can access services in an affirming and comfortable environment makes me feel like I’m empowered to make the right decisions about my health because I feel understood. I walk away from each appointment and out of the building feeling uplifted.”