Dr. Daniel Bowers - Callen-Lorde

Dr. Daniel Bowers

Dr. Daniel Bowers, HIV Specialist, Retired Callen-Lorde Medical Provider


Dr. Daniel Bowers is a retired Callen-Lorde provider, HIV specialist, and a nationally recognized thought-leader in HIV care. Dr. Bowers is a graduate of Stanford University and University of Iowa College of Medicine. He joined a family practice group and taught family medicine at The University of Minnesota Medical School. It was there in 1981 that Dr. Bowers saw some of the first cases of gay men with swollen lymph nodes. He quickly built a collaboration of other physicians in the Twin Cities to share information about HIV and soon became a public speaker to medical groups, legal conferences, and the news media. In 2011, Dr. Bowers joined Callen-Lorde where he developed a large and varied panel of patients which blended his years in family medicine and HIV care.

Dr. Bowers was honored at the 22nd Annual Community Health Awards in 2022.

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